HIV infection: clinical considerations

Friday, July 9, 2021
1. Viral infection & disease, 1,5-hour Oral Session
S110 10:45 AM > 12:15 PM HIV infection: clinical considerations 1. Viral infections

10:45 AM 582 Associations between plasma viral load and invasive cancer in people with HIV > O. Olof ELVSTAM (Växjö) 10:55 AM 1490 No risk of Kaposi sarcoma relapse in patients with controlled HIV-1 infection switching protease inhibitor-based therapy > R. Rébecca LAJAUNIE (Toulouse) 11:05 AM 3561 Suppressive combination antiretroviral therapy in people infected with HIV-1 is associated with a decrease of the reactive dicarbonyl methylglyoxal. > S. Selwyn H. LOWE (Maastricht) 11:15 AM 339 Dolutegravir/rilpivirine in supressed HIV-infected persons between 2015 and 2020 > A. Alberto DÍAZ-DE SANTIAGO (Madrid) 11:25 AM 4501 Liver transplantation among HIV-infected patients: experience with 37 patients from a reference centre in Lisbon, Portugal > E. Ema FERREIRA LEAL (Lisbon) 11:35 AM 4243 U=U: Undetectable = Untransmittable knowledge of the evidence and stigma against people who live with HIV in health school students > D. Dania PAGANINI (Pisa) 11:45 AM S110-1 Q&A/Discussion

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