Disarming pathogens: a new strategy for controlling bacterial infections

Monday, July 12, 2021
5. New antibacterial agents, PK/PD & Stewardship, 1,5-hour Symposium
5a. Mechanisms of action, new compounds, preclinical data & pharmacology of antibacterial agents 2477 3:30 PM > 5:00 PM Disarming pathogens: a new strategy for controlling bacterial infections 5. Antimicrobials & stewardship 5a. Mechanisms of action, new compounds, preclinical data & pharmacology of antibacterial agents

Targeting bacterial virulence as a means of blocking pathogenicity is a promising new strategy for disarming pathogens. Furthermore, it is believed that this new approach is less susceptible towards resistance development. Recent examples of antivirulence approaches addressing different virulence traits will be presented and discussed in this session.
3:30 PM 2477-1 Approaches to the structure-based design of antivirulence drugs > S. Sandrine BOURDOULOUS (Paris) 3:50 PM 2477-2 Quorum-sensing systems as targets for antivirulence therapy > M. Marvin WHITELEY (Atlanta) 4:10 PM 2477-3 Targeting virulence factors with therapeutic antibodies > J. Jennifer MAYNARD (Austin) 4:30 PM 2477-4 Exploiting bacterial capsular bacterial depolymerases as antimicrobial adjuvants > Z. Zuzanna DRULIS-KAWA (Wroclaw) 4:50 PM 2477-5 Q&A/Discussion

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