Please navigate through the FAQ sections of ESCMID Global (formerly ECCMID) and find answers to the questions you might have.

If you have additional questions or need assistance, please contact the technical platform assistance here. The team will answer any questions you might have about the online platform.


How do I edit my profile? / How do I change my profile? / How do I update my profile? 

The online platform only enables you to view your personal details. Please click on the button 'My profile', in the top right corner of the screen.

The right-hand section is related to your personal data. Click on the button 'Edit my personal data' to view your personal details.

Another tab will open on your browser and you will be redirected to the ESCMID Global 2024 personal registration profile.

By clicking on the button 'My profile', you can check the contact details of your ESCMID Global 2024 registration. It is possible to add a profile picture or modify it. These details will be displayed in the networking zone of the ESCMID Global 2024 online platform.

Once you have checked your details, please return your ESCMID Global 2024 profile page in the previous tab.

It is not possible to change your registration information from the online platform. Please contact this email address to get in touch with the registration support.

How can I change my information which is visible on the website? 

It is not possible to change your registration information from the online platform. However, you can upload a profile picture or modify it in the section "My profile" > "Edit my personal data".

Please contact this email address to get in touch with the registration support.

I would not like to be visible on the network.

Please click on the button 'My profile', in the top right corner of the screen. On the left of your screen, find the section "Networking". By clicking on the button, you can enable/disable other participants to contact you using the chat function.

Virtual platform accessibility

Why does the video not work? / Why can I not see the live stream? / There is a black screen on the live stream. How can I fix it?

Make sure your browser is up to date. Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Safari are the preferred browsers to use with the online platform.

You can also try to open the video in an incognito window and accept all cookies.

If the live player is still not working, make sure your internet network is not restricted to specific websites, especially if you are connected to a hospital internet network. Contact your IT department to ensure that is accessible from your internet network.

There is no sound on the live stream, how can I fix it?

Ensure the sound of the in-browser video player is not muted, and ensure that your computer/device’s volume control is turned up.

Can I watch the sessions on a mobile device?

Yes, the online platform is accessible from mobiles and tablets.

How do I connect to the live sessions?

There are 3 ways to access a live session:

- On the left of your screen, the green side bar includes a button "Live" as soon as sessions are live. Click on the desired session to be redirected to the live stream.

- The home page includes a "Live" block where live sessions are listed. Click on the thumbnail of interest to access that live stream.

- From the programme page, a purple dotted line indicates which sessions are currently live. Click on the session box to open the session details. Click the "Join live" button to access the live stream.


I would like to change my password.

Connect to your ESCMID profile ( and change your password there.

I am disconnected each time I change the page. The system keeps asking me to log in.

This is due to the cookie configuration of your browser. Try to clear the cache of your browser and accept all cookies.


When is session xyz? / What is the schedule of Hall G? / What is the live schedule?

Access the programme here.

Access to the programme

How can I filter the programme?

In the right top corner of programme page is the button "Advanced Search". Click on it to display the programme search engine.

Add the title of the session you are looking for, its type, or a speaker name in the search engine or tick a box of interest (categories, session type) and validate your search by clicking on the button "Search".

The programme will update according to your search. Note that red bubbles on the dates indicates the number of results found for each day.

How can I see the industry programme?

The industry programme is accessible from the navigation bar at the top of your screen, or in the side bar.

Click here to be directly redirected to the industry programme page.

Where can I find the Programme? / Where is the Programme? / How can I access the programme?

The programme is accessible from the navigation bar at the top of your screen or in the side bar on the left of your screen.

Click here to be directly redirected to the programme page.

Agenda / Export

How can I add sessions to my agenda? / Can I save or bookmark upcoming sessions?

On the programme page, select a session by clicking on the session box. A popup appears and displays the session details.

Right under the session title is the "Add to my Agenda" button. Click on that button to add this session to your online Agenda. Your online Agenda is accessible from the Programmme submenu in the navigation bar at the top of your screen or directly in the side bar on the left of your screen.

Right under the session title, a second button "Download agenda" is displayed. Click on it to download the .ics file, then open it and add it to your personal agenda in your calendar software.

Can I export the programme?

On the programme page, a specific button enables you to download the daily agenda in a pdf format. You can also export your personnalised agenda from "my agenda" as PDF.

Availability, replay speed

Will the sessions be available on-demand? / How long does it take until the recorded sessions are available? / When will the sessions be available for replay? / Are all live sessions available for replay? / Where can I find the recorded sessions? / Where can I see the replay?

All live sessions are available for replay within 4 hours of the live session ending.

As soon as the replay is available, a replay button is displayed on the programme page.

Faster playback? 

While watching the replay, click on the "Speed" icon for options for speeding up the video playback.


Can I download the presentations? / Where/how can I download the presentations or PDFs?

Presentations, pdfs and supporting material from live sessions are not downloadable.


When is the exhibition opening?

The virtual exhibition is available from the industry tab :

In the meantime, feel free to check out our exhibitors and sponsors on the Company Profiles page :



Is there a booth for xyz company?

The sponsors and exhibitors list is accessible via the Company Profile page. Please click here to be redirected to the Company Profiles page. Use the advanced search to search a specific company.

How to access the booths?

The online platform proposes 3 ways to access company profiles page : 
- From the Company Profiles tab button on the home page
- From the Industry tab of the navigation bar (top bar) by clicking on the Company Profiles sub-tab.
- From the Company Profiles tab in the sidebar (left bar)

Once on the Company Profiles page, click on the logo of the company you are interested in. You will be redirected to the company's profile page.


Is it possible to receive a certificate? / Do you deliver CME? / When can I get the certificate? / How can I get the certificate?

Please click here to see all information regarding CME points and CME certificates.

Is it possible to have more information about the ePosters?

Abstracts and e-posters will be available on the online platform in mid April. 

Where can I get my certificate of attendance?

Both onsite and online participants will subsequently be informed where to get the certificate of attendance.

When can I access my certificate of attendance?

The Certificate of Attendance can be downloaded  from here from Monday morning, April 29th 2024.

Where is my CME certificate?

The CME certificate will be available after you claim your points and fulfilled the general survey here.

Is it possible to access the platform using a smartphone or tablet?

This platform is accessible via any device that can connect to the internet using an internet browser; this could be your desktop computer, laptop computer, tablet or smartphone. The platform is responsive to any device.

When can I enter a session?

On the programme page, a red button marked "Live" is displayed as soon as it is possible to enter the session. This is displayed a few minutes before the live session starts.

What browser should I use to connect?

In order to have the best experience, we recommend using the latest version of Google Chrome, but other browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer 11+ can also be used. However, we do not recommend Internet Explorer as some functions, such as the chat are not fully supported.

Can I use a VPN?

It is not recommend to use a VPN as it slows the connection and can trigger some technical network issues. However, the online platform works if a VPN connection is used.

Can I view 2 sessions simultaneously?

It is technically possible to open 2 sessions in 2 different tabs and watch them simultaneously.

Can I login on 2 devices simultaneously?

It is not possible to login on 2 devices simultaneously with the same registration. If you do so, you will be informed by a message that you have a double connection. In that case, logout from your first device and login with your second device.

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