Immunisation policies for bacterial and viral diseases

Friday, July 9, 2021
10. Immunology & vaccinology, 30min ePoster Review
S31 3:30 PM > 4:00 PM Immunisation policies for bacterial and viral diseases 10. Immunology & vaccinology

79 Shared decision making enhances pneumococcal and influenza vaccination rates in adult patients in outpatient care - a systematic review and meta-analysis > F. Flora KUEHNE (Munich) 340 Influenza vaccination still relevant in 2020: simultaneous influenza vaccine availability improved uptake amongst dialysis patients in an Irish university hospital > A. Amy O' FARRELL-TYLER (Dublin) 503 Compliance to the Advisory Committee on Immunisation Practices (ACIP) recommendations for pneumococcal vaccinations in high-risk adults in the United States, 2012-2019 > A. Antonia MORGA (Addlestone) 504 Compliance to Advisory Committee on Immunisation Practices (ACIP) recommendation for pneumococcal vaccinations in elderly adults in the United States, 2014-2019 > A. Antonia MORGA (Addlestone) 658 Vaccination coverage of patients with type 2 diabetes > G. Georgios GALANOS (Heraklion Crete) 939 Current paediatric and NICU/NCU care practices in maternity/NCU in paediatric wards, including vaccinations, health promotion and counseling in Cambodia > S. Saman SENG (Phnom Penh) 2405 Mandatory vaccination in France: perception by outpatients and self-evaluation of its impact on their vaccine confidence > O. Olivier EPAULARD (Grenoble) 2422 <sub>Prevention of varicella-zoster virus infection among adult immunocompromised patients by VariZIG </sub> > D. Daniel GELMAN (Jerusalem) 3127 Meningococcus B vaccination effectiveness against <em>Neisseria gonorrhoeae </em>infections in PLWH: a case-control study > A. Angelo Roberto RACCAGNI (Milan) 3361 Development of pneumococcal vaccination rates in immunocompromised patients over time > J. Jessica WOHLLEBEN (Berlin)

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